Transmission Capability and Utilization
Consultation has concluded
Engagement Outcomes
The AESO wants to take this opportunity to thank stakeholders for their participation in this engagement. As a result of this engagement, the AESO has published its Transmission Utilization Presentation, Map and Report, and will update the Transmission Capability Map on its website(External link) yearly, unless major enhancements prompt mid-year updates.
The need for a Transmission Capability Assessment was identified as a business need to provide locational signals to Market Participants.
This resulted in a need to carry out transmission capability assessment in order to provide:
Granular locational signals:
- Inform market participants of where capability is available
- Assess capability for accommodating individual connection projects
- Help streamline connection process stages, alternative selection and project change proposals
Enhanced methodology:
- Assess capability of substations
- Inform need for development of transmission plans
The purpose of the Transmission Capability an Utilization engagement is to develop a probabilistic capability assessment methodology and carry out a substation capability assessment map to be shared with external market participants.
Out-of-scope for the engagement
The following topics are out-of-scope and will not be discussed as part of the Transmission Capability Assessment information session:
- Project-specific questions
- Changes to the regulatory framework (e.g., TReg, TPL standards)
- 2018 GTA Decision and Corresponding Compliance Filing Items
- Existing System and Connection projects