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    Financial Reporting

    Our Year in Review, Budget and Financial Reports

    We plan, consult and report on our operations to advance the province’s electricity system and bring value to Albertans. Our stakeholders have a voice in our planning and ongoing activities. We’re transparent and accountable for our business initiatives and spending, and demonstrate that in our reporting and governance. View Business Planning

    Annual Reporting

    As of the 2022 reporting period, information about AESO Corporate Governance has permanently transitioned to our website, where related statistics will continue to be updated on an annual basis.

    2023 AESO Annual Report 

    Previous Years

    Quarterly Financial Reporting

    Transparency Reporting

    We are committed to transparency and accountability on our executive and board expenses. View monthly expense reports here:

    PSCTA Disclosure

    What is Included

    The Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act requires all public sector bodies (agencies, boards and commissions) to post online the compensation paid to all board members and the compensation paid to employees whose total compensation, plus severance, exceeds an annual threshold. Disclosures are published at the end of June for the previous calendar year, and severances are reported in December for the first six months of the current calendar year.

    When reviewing the CSV file, please note that the “Compensation” and “Other” columns reference total compensation. The compensation provided include many other factors in addition to base salary such as overtime, employer contributions to benefits and savings programs, monetary performance rewards, vacation payouts, and any other taxable benefits or cash payments. “Other” may include employer-paid benefits for health, dental, pension and workers compensation. “Other” also includes the employer's portion of CPP (Canada Pension Plan) and EI (Employment Insurance) contributions. Board members and their compensation are also listed.

    How the AESO is Funded

    The AESO is not funded by taxpayers or the Government of Alberta — all AESO costs, including salaries, are funded by industry participants. The AESO’s budget is governed through a transparent public process, called the Budget Development Process.

    Note: As per the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act (PSCTA) guidelines, the downloadable CSV file does not include the names column.

    Related Information

    Questions regarding this disclosure list should be directed