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    System Transmission Project Criteria

    The AESO sincerely thanks stakeholders for their involvement, contribution and feedback during the System Transmission Project Criteria engagement. Over the course of two months, stakeholders shared their perspectives in three engagement sessions and one written consultation. This engagement was completed in October 2021.

    Engagement Outcomes

    Your participation in this engagement was essential to the development of the AESO’s System Transmission Project Criteria. On Nov. 30, 2021, the AESO submitted its System Criteria Compliance Filing and Report Pursuant to Directions 13 and 14 from Decision 22942-D02-2019 to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).

    Background and Purpose

    As part of the AUC’s decision on the 2018 ISO Tariff (Decision 22942-D02-2019), the Commission directed the AESO to work with DFOs to develop an objective set of criteria for the initiation of system transmission projects by the AESO (Criteria), to provide clarity regarding the AESO’s treatment of “grey area” system transmission projects. As such, the AESO is advancing a plan to engage with DFOs and other stakeholders over several sessions planned for September and October 2021 to provide an opportunity for dialogue and feedback on the AESO’s Criteria and how it is applied by the AESO.  As directed by the Commission, following this engagement with stakeholders the AESO will file a report with the Commission. The feedback you share with us will be carefully considered by the AESO.


    This session is intended to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification to understand the Criteria, and to understand how the AESO applies the Criteria. This session will focus on the details and application of the Criteria and is not intended as an opportunity to discuss changes to the current ISO tariff, or to the AESO’s current business practices, approaches, or processes.

    • Session 1
      Oct. 14, 2021


      • Stakeholder session to provide awareness and understanding on the AESO’s Criteria
      • Stakeholders to provide written comments on the AESO’s Criteria


    • Stakeholder session to provide awareness and understanding on the AESO’s Criteria
    • Stakeholders to provide written comments on the AESO’s Criteria

    Session 1 Materials