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    Engagement Framework

    For all active engagement information, updates, and opportunities to help shape the future of electricity in Alberta visit our AESO Engage platform.

    Materials relating to stakeholder engagements that began two or more years ago may be removed from the AESO website. It’s not our standard practice to re-post or provide previous stakeholder engagement materials. We recommend that stakeholders maintain copies of posted stakeholder engagement materials if they wish to refer back to them in the future. 

    If you have any questions, please contact and subscribe to our stakeholder newsletter for updates.

    AESO Engage Platform

    On September 22, 2022, the AESO launched AESO Engage, our new external engagement platform, for non-regulatory stakeholder engagements. Visit AESO Engage for engagement information, updates, and opportunities to help shape the future of electricity in Alberta.

    Regulatory engagements, including ISO rules, reliability standards and tariff consultations, will remain on until 2023 when we will begin a phase II implementation of regulatory engagements onto the AESO Engage platform.

    Our Approach

    As a stakeholder with a vested interest in ensuring Alberta continues to benefit from reliable and affordable power, your expertise and input is important to us. We recognize that the decisions we make and the actions we take in delivering on our mandate affect many different stakeholders. Effective stakeholder engagement is critical to our success and is integral to how we achieve our business goals.

    In January 2020 we rolled out our Stakeholder Engagement Framework (Framework). The Framework sets out the AESO's principles-based approach to our formal engagements with stakeholders. Our engagement principles include:

    We are committed to respectful and timely engagement with Indigenous peoples and communities. We recognize the diverse richness in the cultural expression, the history, the deep connection to the land and environment and the unique constitutional rights of Indigenous peoples. View our engaging with Alberta’s Indigenous People and Communities principles.