Data Requests
Current and Historical Market Data and Reports
The AESO provides real-time and historical data on the wholesale electricity price, supply and demand, transmission and generation outages, ancillary services and operating reserves and other resources for market participants.
Market Statistics Data
The market statistics data file contains data from the Annual Market Statistics report. This file may be supplemented with additional data from time to time.
- Market statistics data (Tableau)
Data available:
- Price & Alberta Internal Load (AIL)
- System & regional load
- Generation
- Interties
- Outages
Other Data Requests
Market participants and other stakeholders can request access to certain data not currently posted online or posted in a different format.
- To make a request, please download and submit the data request form to
Note some data requests may not be processed due to commercially sensitive reasons (as detailed in ISO rule 103.1). The AESO will contact you if this is the case and provide an opportunity to amend your data request accordingly.
One of the AESO’s duties is to make data available to market participants in a manner consistent with the fair, efficient and openly competitive (“FEOC”) operation of the market. This includes the provision of data that is timely, accurate, disseminated fairly, appropriately comprehensive and equally accessible by all market participants. As a result, certain data requests may be published on this page should they be deemed of commercial value and not of a confidential nature (see past data requests below).
Timing and Cost
Turnaround time is generally 10-15 business days (from approval). A charge of $100/hour applies to all data requests and final estimates would depend on the complexity of the request.
Past Data Requests
- Hourly load by area and region [Updated: Jan. 14, 2025]
- Historical energy emergency alert (EEA) event data [Updated: Nov. 21, 2024]
- Supplemental Reserve Activation Volume and Price [Posted: Oct. 2, 2024]
- System Frequency [Updated: Sept. 12, 2024]
- Aggregated contingency reserve directive quantities [Updated: Sept. 04, 2024]
- 15 minute system load metered volumes [Updated: July 30, 2024]
- OR Directives Over Time [Posted: June 7, 2024]
- LSSi & FFR Hourly Volumes [Updated: May 7, 2024]
- Hourly Metered Volumes and Pool Price and AIL data 2010 to 2023 [Updated: Sept. 1, 2023]
- Current Supply/Demand Asset List [Posted: April 14, 2023]
- Frequency Data and 1201L & 5L92 Outage Data from 2018 to 2022 [Posted: March 3, 2023]
- Generation Tech on the Margin (2015 - December 2022) [Posted: Jan. 24, 2023]
- Annual System Load 2009 to 2022 [Posted: Dec. 15, 2022]
- Capacity Additions 2011-2021 [Posted: Aug. 19, 2021]
- Monthly volumes and count of small distributed generation and microgeneration sites (July 2021) [Posted: August 10, 2021]
- Historical 24 Month Supply-Demand Forecast [Posted: July 14, 2021]
- Hourly AIL, SMP, Wind Generation and Solar Generation Data for 2016 to 2020 [Updated: March 17, 2021]
- Hourly System Load Data 2019 [Posted: July 13, 2020]
- Planning Area Boundary Data [Posted: June 23, 2020]
- Controllable Wind and Solar Generation Data for 2019 [Posted: June 17, 2020]
- 5 minute and 15 minute average system marginal price 2015-2019 [Posted: May 1, 2020]
- BC & MATL Intertie Flows [Updated: June 5, 2020]
- Historical monthly and hourly oilsands net generation and net load from Jan. 2014 - May 2020 [Updated: June 9, 2020]
- Fort McMurray Cutplane inflow and outflow data [Posted: Feb. 12, 2020]
- Hourly Metered Volumes for Five Wind Facilities 2010-2019 [Posted: Nov. 19, 2019]
- Historical Transmission Outages Data [Posted: Oct. 11, 2019]
- Coal Plant Merit Order Data [Posted: Sept. 16, 2019]
- Historical Hourly Aggregated Load (Rate DTS) and Generation (Rate STS) MWh data [Posted: Sept. 11, 2019]
- Hourly Outage by fuel Type [Posted: May 31, 2019]
- Historical 24 Month Supply-Demand Forecast [Posted: May 1, 2019]
- AIL - 5 Minute Data [Posted: April 17, 2019]
- AIL 15 Minute Data [Posted: April 17, 2019]
- Average Hourly Dispatched TMR - Jan 2014 to Mar 2019 [Posted: April 17, 2019]
- Hourly Total and Net-to-Grid Generation - May 2011 to March 2019 [Posted: April 17, 2019]
- Data file for Tariff Workgroup [Posted: Jan. 15, 2019]
- Hourly aggregated contingency reserve directive quantities [Posted: Aug.14, 2018]
- 2017 scheduled intertie flows [Posted: May 1, 2018]
- Hourly Metered Volumes by Generating Asset [Posted: Jan. 10, 2018]
- Hourly Metered Volumes by Generation Type [Posted: Jan. 4, 2018]
- Daily total generation from Keephills and Sundance units [Posted: Oct. 12, 2017]
- Historical gross generation data 2012 to 2016 [Posted: Sept. 14, 2017]
- Historical long-term wind power forecast [Posted: Sept. 11, 2017]
- 2016 hourly load data [Posted: April 6, 2017]
- 2016 scheduled intertie flows [Posted: March 16, 2017]
- Historical Fort McMurray import and export cutplane data (2016) [Posted: Jan. 25, 2017]
- Hourly load by area and region [Updated: Jan. 14, 2025]
The AESO is a public body subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). Under this legislation, individuals have a right to request access to records in the custody or under the control of the AESO, regardless of any efforts to obtain the information under the Data Request process. Although we cannot confirm whether access would be provided to the requested information under a FOIP Act request, this option does exist. If you choose to submit a formal access to information request under the FOIP Act, it must be made in writing and accompanied by any applicable fee (click here for more information).