Energy Storage Industry Learnings Forum (ESILF)
Introduction and purpose
The AESO organized the Energy Storage Industry Learnings Forum (ESILF) to gather energy storage industry leaders together to discuss key learnings from energy storage integration in other jurisdictions as well as to share their perspectives on energy storage topics to assist the AESO in facilitating the integration of energy storage in Alberta.
The scope of the ESILF is to provide expertise and key learnings to the AESO on targeted matters related to the integration of energy storage in Alberta. The ESILF will be an information gathering forum for the AESO, not a decision body.
The ESILF membership broadly represents a cross-section of industry leaders with energy storage experience. To keep topic discussions meaningful and effective, membership was targeted without compromising stakeholder representation and required expertise. Alberta Energy will be a member of the forum to share in the key learnings and discussion for the purposes of potential policy or legislative changes to facilitate energy storage integration in Alberta. In addition, the Alberta Utilities Commission and the Market Surveillance Administrator will also be members of the forum to share in the key learnings and discussion.
As per the ESILF Terms of Reference, the ESILF recognizes that not all of the AESO’s stakeholders will be represented within the ESILF and to support the AESO’s commitment to transparency the forum membership (individual and organization names as relevant), agendas, relevant discussion materials, presentations and meeting summaries will be posted on
Kick-off Session
May 20, 2020Purpose
Seek feedback and obtain alignment on:
- Forum intent and method
- Forum scope and focus areas
- Action plan, priorities and timelines
Workshop 1
Sept. 18, 2020Purpose
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion:
- Market opportunities in the energy and ancillary services markets, or other potential revenue streams;
- Connection options; and
- Energy Storage configuration options.
Workshop 2
Nov. 27, 2020Purpose
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion:
- Storage as a transmission alternative (SATA);
- Sharing learnings from other jurisdictions on legislation, regulations and policy; and
- Market qualification parameters, process, models and data (SCADA) requirements.
Workshop 3
March 19, 2021Purpose
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion:
- Economic Modelling;
- Sharing of experiences in commissioning and testing of new technologies or configurations; and
- Modeling economics of transmission storage under the current framework.
Workshop 4
Nov. 9, 2021Purpose
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion:
- Battery Energy Storage – unlocking new revenue and stabilizing electric grids; and
- Stand-alone Energy Storage Economic Analysis in Alberta’s Market.
Workshop 5
June 10, 2022Purpose
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion:
- Energy Storage Standardized Solutions
- Storage on the California Grid
Workshop 6
March 21, 2023Purpose
The purpose of this session is to learn from the experiences and expertise of the ESILF members and guest speakers on their presented topics.
- Learning Exchange
- Topic Discussions
Seek feedback and obtain alignment on:
- Forum intent and method
- Forum scope and focus areas
- Action plan, priorities and timelines
Note: Session dates once finalized will be shared with stakeholders.
Workshop 6 | March 21, 2023
Purpose of this Session
The purpose of this session is to learn from the experiences and expertise of the ESILF members and guest speakers on their presented topics.
- Learning Exchange
- Topic Discussions
Workshop 6 Materials
- Session Summary [Posted: April, 12, 2023]
- Presentation [Posted: April, 12, 2023]
Workshop 5 | June 10, 2022
Purpose of this session
The purpose of this session is to learn from the experiences and expertise of the ESILF members and guest speakers on their presented topics we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion: Energy Storage Standardized Solutions; and Storage on the California Grid.
Workshop 5 materials
- Session Summary [Posted: July 13, 2022]
- Presentation [Posted: July 13, 2022]
Workshop 4 | Nov. 9, 2021
Purpose of this session
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion: Battery Energy Storage – unlocking new revenue and stabilizing electric grids; and Stand-alone Energy Storage Economic Analysis in Alberta’s Market.
Workshop 4 materials
- Session Summary [Posted: Jan. 19, 2022]
- Presentation [Posted: Jan. 19, 2022]
Workshop 3 | March 19, 2021
Purpose of this session
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion: Economic Modelling; Sharing of experiences in commissioning and testing of new technologies or configurations; and Modeling economics of transmission storage under the current framework.
Workshop 3 materials
- Session Summary [Posted: May 25, 2021]
- Presentation [Posted: May 25, 2021]
Workshop 2 | Nov. 27, 2020
Purpose of this session
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion: Storage as a transmission alternative (SATA); Sharing learnings from other jurisdictions on legislation, regulations and policy; Market qualification parameters, process, models and data (SCADA) requirements.
Workshop 2 materials
- Session Summary [Posted: Dec. 18, 2020]
- Presentation [Posted: Dec. 18, 2020]
Workshop 1 | Sept. 18, 2020
Purpose of this session
The workshop's purpose is for members to share their expertise and key learnings on three topic areas that we believe the AESO would benefit from further discussion: Market opportunities in the energy and ancillary services markets, or other potential revenue streams; Connection options; and Energy Storage configuration options.
Workshop 1 materials
- Session Summary [Posted: Oct. 30, 2020]
- Presentation [Posted: Oct. 30, 2020]
Kick-off Session | May 20, 2020
Purpose of this session
The purpose of this session was to seek feedback and obtain alignment on:
- Forum intent and method
- Forum scope and focus areas
- Action plan, priorities and timelines
Kick-off session materials
- Stakeholder Comments [Posted: Aug 24, 2020]
- Session Summary [Posted: July 2, 2020]
- Comment Matrix [Updated: July 16, 2020]
- Pre-read Materials [Posted: June 19, 2020]
- Presentation [Posted: May 14, 2020]
- Agenda [Posted: April 30, 2020]
- Zoom Instructions 2.0 [Posted: April 30, 2020]
ESILF materials
- Membership List [Updated: Feb. 28, 2022]
- Terms of Reference [Posted: Feb. 20, 2020]
- Membership Application Form [Posted: Feb. 20, 2020]
If you have any questions, please contact and subscribe to our stakeholder newsletter for updates.