Cluster Assessment
Cluster Assessment Overview
Cluster Assessments are a new way for the AESO to assess projects. Instead of assessing projects individually, projects are batched (i.e. clustered) and assessed together simultaneously. This is a common industry practice across many other North American ISOs.
The cluster assessment includes generation and energy storage projects that will inject at least 5 MW of new or additional flow into the Alberta interconnected electric system (AIES) at the facility’s connection to the AIES (i.e., the transmission or distribution system, as applicable).
Current Cluster Assessment
The AESO is currently assessing projects in Cluster 2. See the graphic below for an overview of the Cluster 2 timeline. The SASR deadline for Cluster 3 is anticipated to be in Feb. 2026.
Timelines and Deliverables
We have produced a pre-recorded presentation describing timelines and deliverables for Stages 1 and 2. Please view the slides in Presentation or Slide Show mode and turn on your speakers to listen to the voice-over narration.
- Presentation on timelines and deliverables for Stages 1 and 2 [Posted: Jan. 17, 2025]
For information about projects in the current Cluster Assessment, please refer the Connection Project Reporting page.
To see the latest congestion information related to the Cluster Assessment, please refer to the Cluster Assessment Reporting page.
Key Dates for Cluster 2
The following key dates apply for Cluster 2:
Milestone Date Intake window closes (SASR deadline) 11:59 pm MDT on October 18, 2024 Preliminary Assessment Fee invoices issued November 15, 2024 Stage 0 required deliverables due
- Accepted SASR
- Preliminary Assessment Fee
- Financial arrangement between Applicant and TFO
December 16, 2024 Connection Project List published showing the projects that are in Cluster 2 Stage 1 January 6, 2024 Draft Preliminary Assessment Study Scope issued for Comments January 17, 2025 Comments on Draft Preliminary Assessment Study Scope due February 3, 2025 Further dates to be added as Cluster 2 progresses -
The fees applicable to Cluster Assessments are as follows:
Fee Type Fee Amount (not including GST) Preliminary Assessment Fee The lower of $5,000+$150*(MC in MW) or $25,000 Detailed Assessment Fee The lower of $20,000+$300*(MC in MW) or $65,000 Change Assessment Fee $10,000 (if applicable) Reassessment Fee in the event of cancellation The lower of $20,000+$300*(MC in MW) or $65,000 (if applicable) See the Fee Guideline for more information about fees and their associated deadlines.
Stage 0: Application
Stage 0 is the initiation stage of the project. In this stage, the market participant submits a SASR to the AESO during the SASR intake window. The SASR is initially reviewed for completeness and the market participant may be asked to correct any deficiencies in the application. Next, the SASR undergoes a technical review. The AESO may reach out to the market participant to clarify project information, correct errors or omissions, or to discuss project complexity. Upon completion of the review, the SASR is accepted. The remaining Stage 0 deliverables are completed by their associated deadlines and then the project is accepted into the Cluster.
Required deliverables:
- Accepted SASR
- Preliminary Assessment Fee
- Financial Arrangement between Applicant and TFO
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Submits SASR and required attachments
- Submits Preliminary Assessment Fee payment
- Enters into a financial arrangement with the TFO
- Reviews and accepts or rejects SASR
- Assigns project name, number and AESO Project Manager
- Issues Preliminary Assessment fee invoice
- After completing all Stage 0 required deliverables by the appropriate deadlines, the AESO issues an email acknowledging the project has advanced to Stage 1
Stage 1: Preliminary Assessment
Stage 1 involves a preliminary assessment of the project’s impact on the grid and the AESO’s preferred connection alternative. The market participant is provided with the results of the assessment and a high-level cost estimate. The AESO also provides congestion estimate information. To proceed to the next stage, the market participant provides the required fee by the deadline.
Required Deliverables:
- Project Plan
- Preliminary Assessment Study Scope
- Preliminary Assessment Package which includes:
- Preliminary Assessment Report
- Class 5 Cost Estimate
- Congestion Estimate
- Accepted dynamic model
- Detailed Assessment Fee
Roles and Responsibilities:
Market Participant
- Reviews Project Plan and Study Scope
- Submits Detailed Assessment Fee payment
- Reviews Project Plan and Study Scope
- Initiates project kick-off meeting
- Completes Project Plan
- Completes Preliminary Assessment Study Scope
- Issues Preliminary Assessment Package
- Completes Congestion Estimate
- Reviews dynamic model
- Issues Detailed Assessment Fee invoice
- After completing all Stage 1 required deliverables by the appropriate deadlines, the AESO issues an email acknowledging the project has advanced to Stage 2
Additional Information:
- Upon review of the Preliminary Assessment Package, the market participant may wish to submit a Project Change Proposal. See the Project Change Proposal Guidelines for more information.
Stage 2: Detailed Assessment
Stage 2 involves a detailed assessment of the project’s impact on the grid and the AESO’s preferred connection alternative. The market participant is provided with the results of the assessment, a facility scope, and a high-level cost estimate. The AESO also provides congestion assessment information and conceptual system plans. To proceed to the next stage, the remaining Stage 2 deliverables are completed by their associated deadlines.
Required deliverables:
- Detailed Assessment Package which includes:
- Detailed Assessment Report
- Project Connection Assessment
- Facility Scope
- Class 5 Cost Estimate
- Congestion Assessment
- Conceptual System Plan
- GUOC Evidence (Connection projects) or payment (BTF projects)
- Stage 3 & 4 Security
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Submits GUOC evidence (Connection projects) or payment (BTF projects)
- Provides Stage 3 & 4 security to the TFO
- Provides input into Facility Scope
- Issues Detailed Assessment Package
- Completes Congestion Assessment and Conceptual System Plan
- After completing all Stage 2 required deliverables by the appropriate deadlines, the AESO issues an email acknowledging the project has advanced to Stage 3
Additional Information:
- To estimate the GUOC amount, refer to the GUOC Estimate Calculator
- Upon review of the Detailed Assessment Package, the market participant may wish to submit a Project Change Proposal. See the Project Change Proposal Guidelines for more information.
- Detailed Assessment Package which includes:
Acronym Reference
Alberta Utilities Commission
Construction Contribution Decision
Critical Energy Infrastructure Information
Distribution Facility Owner
Demand Transmission Service
Energy Trading System
Generation Facility Owner
Generating Unit Owner’s Contribution
In-Service Date
Maximum Capability
Market Participant
Needs Identification Document
Permit & License
Project Data Update Package
System Access Service
System Access Service Request
Single Line Diagram
Supply Transmission Service
Transmission Facility Owner
If you have any questions about Cluster Assessments, please contact