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    Alberta Reliability Standards

    Alberta reliability standards (ARS) are the requirements followed by the AESO and Alberta market participants to provide for the reliable operation of the Alberta interconnected electric system (AIES).

    We recommend the adoption of ARS that are based on the reliability standards of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), as well as other ARS that amend, supplement or replace the NERC standards. The adoption of ARS that are consistent with NERC reliability standards allows for the reliable operation of the AIES and increases reliability of the whole North American grid.

    ARS are listed below. Alberta Risk Ratings (ARRs) for all current ARS can be found here.

    Review and stakeholder engagement

    ARS are adopted in accordance with the Transmission Regulation. When developing a proposed ARS, we consider whether the ARS is capable of applying in Alberta and ensure, to the extent reasonable, that the ARS will not require a material change in the framework for the market for electricity. After developing an ARS, we engage with market participants that we consider likely to be directly affected by the ARS. We then recommend the Alberta Utilities Commission (Commission) approve the ARS. If we determine that a specific NERC reliability standard is not applicable in Alberta, we recommend the Commission reject that reliability standard.

    The AESO takes a risk-based approach to decisions related to NERC and WECC reliability standard adoption and ARS Project prioritization. Once an ARS Project is prioritized, the AESO will follow guiding principles for scheduling prioritized ARS Projects, for the development phase of the ARS Projects, and for creating information documents.  

    The AESO's prioritization and development phase guide can be found here.

    For further information and opportunities to participate, see active standards consultations.

    AESO Engage Platform

    On September 22, 2022, the AESO launched AESO Engage, our new external engagement platform, for non-regulatory stakeholder engagements. Regulatory engagements, including ISO rules, reliability standards and tariff consultations, will remain on until 2023 when we will begin a phase II implementation of regulatory engagements onto the AESO Engage platform.

    For information and opportunities to participate in the ARS Program Enhancements consultation (formerly known as ARS Development & Monitoring initiative), visit AESO Engage.

    Alberta reliability standards program work plan

    View the latest ARS Program Work Plan, which was updated in February 2025. For information regarding the Reliability Standards Discussion Group (RSDG), where the work plan is discussed, please visit RSDG consultation on AESO Engage.


    Current Alberta Reliability Standards

    Individual Alberta Reliability Standards

    ‐ Ongoing stakeholder engagement

    Alberta Reliability Standards

    Non-Applicable Alberta reliability standards

    Non-applicable standards