Information Documents
We develop Information Documents to provide guidance regarding AESO Authoritative Documents, which consist of the ISO rules, the Alberta Reliability Standards and the ISO tariff. Information Documents are not authoritative in that they do not contain any requirements that the AESO or market participants must comply with.
Authoritative Documents are created by the AESO under the authority of the Electric Utilities Act and that statute's regulations and contain binding legal requirements for both market participants and the AESO. In the event of any discrepancy between an Information Document and any AESO Authoritative Document in effect, the AESO Authoritative Document governs.
The content of Information Documents may include:
- AESO contact information relating to an AESO Authoritative Document requirement
- Forms or templates that market participants may use in order to meet the requirements of an AESO Authoritative Document
- Information, maps, diagrams and examples that may be helpful to market participants
We create or amend Information Documents when we determine that guidance may be useful to market participants. If an existing Information Document is no longer useful, we will remove it from our website. Market participants are notified of any new, amended or removed Information Documents through the AESO Stakeholder Newsletter.
It is not our standard practice to post or provide previous versions of Information Documents. We recommend that market participants maintain copies of posted Information Documents if they wish to track the changes to those documents over time.
The following diagram illustrates the key steps to developing, amending or removing an Information Document.
All Information Documents are posted to our website along with the related Authoritative Document(s). Read about the ISO rules, Alberta Reliability Standards and the ISO tariff here:
Current Information Documents
Individual Information Documents for ISO Rules and Alberta Reliability Standards
ID Number | ID Name | Posting Date |
Acceptable Operational Reasons |
2024-04-05 |
2010-001R | Facility Modelling Data and List of Electrical and Physical Parameters for Transmission System Model | 2024-04-19 |
2010-002R | Becoming a Pool Participant | 2024-04-25 |
2010-003RS | Disturbance Monitoring Equipment Locations | 2016-09-28 |
2010-005R | Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements | 2024-04-01 |
2010-006RS | PRC-001-AB3-1.1(ii) Protection System Coordination | 2017-10-04 |
2010-007RS | General Operating Practice – Voltage Control | 2023-10-02 |
2011-001R | Available Transfer Capability and Transfer Path Management | 2024-09-17 |
2011-002R | Power Pool Settlement Guide | 2024-04-12 |
2011-004R | Northwest Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2019-03-19 |
2011-006R | Markets Suspension or Limited Markets Operations | 2024-04-05 |
2011-007R | Wind and Solar Power Forecasting | 2024-04-05 |
2011-008R | Northeast Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2021-10-27 |
2011-010R | Supply Surplus | 2024-04-05 |
2012-001RS |
Communications |
2024-07-05 |
2012-002R | Electric Motor Start Requirements | 2012-03-06 |
2012-003R | Transmission Facility Projects | 2012-05-16 |
2012-004R | Protection System Information | 2024-04-25 |
2012-004RS | Transmission Protection Relay Loadability | 2018-12-06 |
2012-005R | Dispatches | 2024-03-12 |
2012-005RS | Balancing Authority Control | 2020-01-24 |
2012-006R | Adequacy, Supply Shortfall and Energy Emergency Alerts | 2024-06-26 |
2012-007R | Long Lead Time Energy | 2024-08-22 |
2012-008R | Energy Offers and Bids | 2024-08-22 |
2012-009R | Restatements | 2024-11-05 |
2012-010R | Dispatch and Directive Records | 2013-01-08 |
2012-011R | Coordinating Energization, Commissioning, Ancillary Services Testing and Operational Testing | 2025-02-24 |
2012-012R | Coordinating Synchronization, Commissioning, Baseline and Model Validation Testing, Ancillary Services Testing, or Operational Testing | 2024-04-01 |
2012-013R | SCADA | 2024-04-25 |
2012-015R | Cold Lake Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2014-12-18 |
2012-016R | Fort Saskatchewan Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2019-07-11 |
2012-017R | Crossfield Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2016-09-28 |
2012-018R | Central East Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2023-07-31 |
2012-028R | Synchrophasor Measurement System | 2024-04-05 |
2013-001R |
Energy Trading System Pool Participant Manual: Submissions |
2024-11-05 |
2013-003R | Outages | 2025-02-24 |
2013-004R | Keephills Ellerslie Genesee Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2024-04-26 |
2013-005R | Operating Reserve | 2024-04-05 |
2013-006R | Regulating Reserve | 2024-04-05 |
2013-007R | Contingency Reserve | 2024-04-05 |
2013-009R | South Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2024-06-13 |
2014-001R | Calgary Area Operations | 2014-02-20 |
2014-002RS | FAC-501-WECC-AB2-1 R1 Identified Transmission Paths | 2016-09-28 |
2014-003RS | System Operating Limits Methodology | 2016-10-04 |
2015-001R | Calgary Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2024-04-25 |
2015-002R | Service Proposals and Cost Estimating | 2022-03-04 |
2015-003RS |
Guidance Information for CIP Standards |
2024-05-23 |
2015-006R | Calculation of Pool Price and Transmission Constraint Rebalancing Costs during a Constraint Event | 2016-09-28 |
2016-001R | Technical and Operating Requirements for Facilities Containing Energy Storage Resources | 2024-04-12 |
2016-002R | Event Notification and Reporting | 2024-08-28 |
2016-003RS | Automatic Time Error Correction Formula | 2017-01-24 |
2016-004RS | CIP-002-AB-5.1 Impact Rating Criteria | 2019-10-01 |
2016-006 | Radial Circuit | 2024-07-05 |
2017-001 |
Guidance on Authoritative Document Questions (ADQ) |
2024-12-03 |
2017-002RS | Generator Relay Loadability | 2019-09-24 |
2017-003RS | CIP-004 Clarification | 2019-08-28 |
2017-004RS |
FAC-008-AB-3 Facility Ratings |
2021-11-30 |
2017-006R |
Automated Dispatch and Messaging System |
2024-06-10 |
2017-013R | Model Validation and Reactive Power Report Guidance | 2024-04-19 |
2018-001R | Incidental ISO Rule Amendment | 2024-04-05 |
2018-003RS | System Restoration from Blackstart Resources | 2023-10-06 |
2018-004RS | PRC-019-AB-2 Supplemental Information | 2020-12-16 |
2018-005R | Central West Area Transmission Constraint Management | 2024-09-03 |
2018-007 | CIP-014-AB-2 Guidance Information | 2020-03-20 |
2018-009 | PRC-005 Supplemental Information | 2019-07-05 |
2018-011 | PRC-004 Supplemental Information | 2019-04-10 |
2018-013 |
Wind and Solar Power Ramp up Management |
2024-04-05 |
2018-014R | Aggregated Facilities Technical Requirements | 2024-04-12 |
2018-015R | AESO Designation of Generating Units | 2024-04-12 |
2018-022 |
PRC-002-AB-2 Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements |
2024-04-01 |
2018-023 | PER-003-AB-1 Clarification of Terms | 2018-12-20 |
2019-002 |
FAC-003-AB1-1 Guidance Information |
2022-12-20 |
2019-046 | VAR-002-AB-3 | 2019-10-30 |
2019-047 | VAR-501-WECC-AB-1 Additional Information | 2019-06-12 |
2019-051 |
Section 502.7 Load Facility Technical Requirements |
2024-04-19 |
2019-053 |
Reasons for Access Rules and Ports Opening |
2019-12-03 |
2019-055 |
AESO Compliance Complaint Information |
2019-12-09 |
2020-007 |
Waiver and Variance Requests |
2024-12-03 |
2020-013 |
Energy Storage Guidelines |
2024-04-25 |
2020-014 |
Bulk Electric System Definition |
2024-07-05 |
2020-016 |
Guideline for T-Tap Connections |
2024-04-01 |
2020-017 |
Identifying, Protecting and Securely Handling BES Cyber System Information |
2020-08-14 |
2020-018 |
Generating Unit Technical Requirements |
2024-04-12 |
2020-052 |
Confidentiality |
2020-05-21 |
2020-054 |
Cyber Security Recovery Plans for BES Cyber Systems CIP-009-AB-5 |
2020-04-21 |
2020-055 |
EOP-011 Emergency Operations |
2024-06-12 |
2021-002 |
Alberta Underfrequency Load Shedding Program |
2024-04-01 |
2021-008 |
PER-006 Supplemental Information |
2022-06-29 |
2021-009 |
PRC-010 Under Voltage Load Shed Program |
2021-12-22 |
2021-007 |
Cyber Security - Communication between |
2022-12-21 |
2022-001 |
Operating Personnel Communication Protocols |
2024-12-04 |
2024-004 |
Interim Secondary Offer Cap |
2024-07-01 |
2024-005 |
Interim Supply Cushion Directives |
2025-02-05 |
2025-001 |
Invoices Submitted to the AESO |
2025-02-05 |