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    Compliance Monitoring

    The AESO's compliance monitoring role

    We establish and implement programs to monitor market participant compliance with ISO rules, Alberta Reliability Standards and the Settlement System Code rules set out in Alberta Utilities Commission Rule 021. We also interface with other agencies in Alberta to facilitate the enforcement of those requirements. We provide tools, guides and other information to help market participants adhere to these requirements.

    Compliance monitoring programs

    The AESO's compliance monitoring programs are listed below, please click on the page link for more information:

    Latest updates and announcements

    The following are the latest updates and announcements for the Compliance monitoring Program.

    Authoritative Document Questions (ADQ)

    Market participants are encouraged to thoroughly review the Authoritative Documents and any related Information Documents pertaining to a particular subject area. In the event that a market participant requires further information after completing its review, questions regarding the requirements of an existing Authoritative Document may be sent to

    Compliance Complaint Information

    A market participant or other interested person may submit a complaint to the ISO regarding an apparent contravention of an ISO rule, Alberta reliability standard or AUC Rule 021: Settlement System Code Rule by a market participant or the ISO. Please see Section 103.12 of the ISO rules, Compliance Monitoring for additional details.  A copy of the AESO compliance complaint form is also provided in the following link (ID #2019-055).

    Compliance quarterly reports

    Read quarterly reports on compliance activities here: