About the AESO
We do this in four key areas:
Direct the Safe and Reliable Operation of the Grid
We work with industry partners to keep electricity safely and reliably flowing throughout the province. Our System Controllers dispatch generation to meet electricity demand and direct the operation of the transmission system 24/7, 365 days a year. We ensure almost five million Albertans have power when they need it.
Plan the Transmission System
We plan ahead by developing power supply and demand forecasts and scenarios to ensure the right transmission lines are built in the right locations, as cost effectively as possible. We identify needed transmission solutions and work through the regulatory process to secure necessary approvals.
Connect Customers to the Grid
We ensure customers can connect to the transmission system in a safe and reliable manner. Timely transmission system access is facilitated through the AESO’s Connection Process. Using transmission tariffs, we recover the costs of the transmission system from customers. After deducting our costs of operating the system, we forward the remainder to transmission facility owners.
Operate the Wholesale Electricity Market
Electricity in Alberta is bought and sold through a wholesale market. We operate the market, manage its financial settlement function, and facilitate its ongoing development by designing and implementing market rules to ensure it is a fair, efficient and openly competitive market.
Industry Partnerships
We don’t have all the answers—we are listening to and working with industry to develop the right solutions.
Our Interjurisdictional Affairs and Compliance team connects us to a network of organizations across Canada and the United States dedicated to enhancing energy safety and reliability for all.
- Electricity Canada
- ISO / RTO Council (IRC)
- North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB)
- North American Reliability Corporation (NERC)
- Northwest Power Pool (NWPP)
- Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
For more information, contact AESO's Interjurisdictional Affairs at stakeholder.relations@aeso.ca.