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    Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection (1926)

    Solar Krafte Utilities Inc. (Solar Krafte) has applied to the AESO for transmission system access to connect its proposed Vauxhall Solar Farm (Facility) in the Vauxhall Area. Solar Krafte's request can be met by the following solution:

    • Add one 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line to connect the Facility to the existing 138 kV transmission line 763L in a T-tap configuration.
    • Add or modify associated equipment as required for the above transmission developments.

    Abbreviated Needs Approval Process: Approval

    The AESO approved the Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection under Section 501.3 of the ISO rules, Abbreviated Needs Approval Process.

    Abbreviated Needs Approval Process: Notice of Consideration

    The AESO intends to consider the need for the Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection (Project) for approval under Section 501.3 of the ISO rules, Abbreviated Needs Approval Process, (ANAP Rule) on or after August 10, 2023If stakeholders have any questions or concerns, please contact the AESO before this date.

    The AESO has determined that the Project is eligible for consideration under the ANAP Rule because the following eligibility criteria have been met:

    • Project costs are estimated to be approximately $4.7M of which $4.3M is classified as participant-related, and $0.4M is classified as system-related, in accordance with the ISO tariff;
    • the AESO has completed a participant involvement program (PIP) in accordance with the guidelines in Alberta Utilities Commission Rule 007;
    • the Project is not anticipated to result in significant environmental effects; and
    • no concerns or objections with the need for the Project have been raised. Prior to making its approval decision, the AESO will address additional stakeholder concerns that arise, if any.

    Supporting information about this Project is available in the following documents:

    Need Overview

    Market Participant Notification

    Latest updates

    • Aug. 18, 2023 Abbreviated Needs Approval Process: Notice of Approval for the Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection
    • Jul. 26, 2023 Abbreviated Needs Approval Process: Notice of Consideration for the Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection
    • Jun. 17, 2022 Updated Need Overview: Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection
    • Jun. 16, 2022 Market Participant Notification for the Vauxhall Solar Farm Connection in the Vauxhall area