Daylight Saving Time Notice
On Sunday, March 9, 2025, Albertans will move their clocks forward one hour, due to Daylight Saving Time.
On this date, the AESO will number the hour endings (HE) in the AESO’s Energy Trading System (ETS) as 01, 03 through to 24 (removing HE 02) as outlined in Commission Rule 021 Section; except for Daily System Measurement (DSM) transactions which will number the hour endings 1, 2 through to 23.
It is the responsibility of all participants with dispatchable assets to log into ETS and ensure their submissions for March 9, 2025, reflect the removal of HE 02.
All importers and exporters within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council must prepare in advance to correctly submit e-tags for the 23 hour day on March 9, 2025, due to the upcoming time change.
Long Lead Time Assets
If you are submitting a start time for a long lead time asset for a time between 1 a.m. MST and 3 a.m. MDT on March 9, 2025, you will receive a message indicating that you need to select the appropriate time zone. A time zone drop down menu will appear after this message is displayed. You will need to re-enter the start time information, select a time zone and submit the start time record again. The start time record will be successful after you re-submit.
If you have any questions, please email us at