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    Contact us

    Need to talk to us about a project or have a question? We want to hear from you.

    Media Requests

    For media contact information, news, library and photo resources, and useful links, visit the Media page.

    • Authoritative Document Questions (ADQs)
    • Commercial Services

      The Commercial team competitively procures and actively manages contracts for ancillary services and major transmission builds in Alberta. For more information on ancillary services, visit our Ancillary services pages, or contact us at:


      For general questions and more information on the competitively procured major transition builds, visit our Competitive process pages, or contact us at:


    • Changes to Contracts or Assets

      Change the Contact Information

      To change the contact information on an existing contract, please complete the following Contact Information Change Authorization Form on the requesting company’s letterhead.

      Email the completed form to

      In order to ensure timely processing, please ensure the following steps are completed:

      • The form is on requestor’s company letterhead
      • The form is signed by an authorized party 
      • “Invoices” and/or “notices” are selected
      • The full legal name of the company is included

      For further information on any of the above, contact us at:

      Change the Market Participant

      To assign your system access service agreement to another legal entity, you must enter into an assignment, assumption and novation agreement. For existing customers, email Market Support at For active connection projects, email the AESO Project Manager assigned to the project.


    • Ethics Hotline

      The AESO is committed to exceptional service for our customers and all Albertans. In keeping with this commitment and our AESO Code of Conduct, we maintain the highest ethical and business standards and obey all applicable laws, regulations and rules in every aspect of our work.

      If you have a concern about the conduct of any representative of the AESO that may violate the AESO Code of Conduct, applicable laws or ethical standards, you can submit a report by using the AESO Ethics Hotline. A third-party provider is used to operate the Ethics Hotline for the AESO, which gives you an option to make your complaint anonymously.

      Submit a report

    • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

      The AESO is a public body subject to the  Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the "FOIP Act"). The FOIP Act is a legislative framework designed to balance access to information and privacy rights in Alberta.  Records within the custody or under the control of the AESO are subject to the terms of this legislation.

      If you have questions regarding the submission of an access to information request or have questions regarding the handling of your personal information, you may contact the AESO’s FOIP Coordinator at:

      AESO FOIP Office
      240 Fourth Building
      3000, 240 - 4th Ave SW
      Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

      Telephone: 403-539-2890
      Fax number: 403-264-6225

      You should be aware that while some web-forms are secure, the use of email is not a secure means of transmission. If you would prefer not to use email to communicate with us, please use one of the other options provided.

      Please note access to information requests must be submitted in writing and accompanied by any applicable fee.

      Applicants may choose to draft their own request or use the access to information request form.

      Applicants now have the option of submitting access to information requests using the online Public Access Link (PAL). For instructions on how to use the new online platform, please refer to the following documents:

      Directory of Personal Information Banks (PIB)

      The AESO is required to compile and publish a Directory of PIBs. PIBs outline the types of personal information held by a public body and will detail:

      • The location of the information bank;
      • The kind of personal information contained in each bank;
      • The categories of individuals each bank pertains to;
      • Why the information was collected and how it is used or disclosed; and
      • The legal authority for the collection of the information.

      A personal information bank does not provide direct access to an individual’s records.

    • Market Support

      The Market Support team provides training, registration of assets, and other necessary services to both new and existing participants in the energy and ancillary service markets. We support participants and ensure they understand their obligations. For information on the requirements to join the market, visit our Understanding the market and the Joining the energy market pages or contact us at:

    • Renewable Electricity Program

      The AESO ran three competitive rounds of the Renewable Electricity Program (REP) in 2017 and 2018. For more information, visit our Renewable Electricity Program Page, or contact us at:


      For questions related to Renewable Electricity Support Agreements (RESA) for REP Rounds 1, 2 or 3 projects contact us at:


    • Reporting an Apparent Contravention

      Please refer to ID #2019-055 for guidance on submitting a complaint to the AESO concerning an apparent contravention of an ISO rule, Alberta Reliability Standard or AUC Rule 021: Settlement System Code Rules by a market participant or the ISO.

    • Technology Integration

      Technology is a significant change driver in our industry.  It is evolving in all areas of the electricity value chain from generation to load, management and markets, participant optionality as well as consumer choice.

      The AESO is dedicated to enabling grid technology in the Alberta Electric Integrated System (AIES) and is open to suggestions and feedback.

      The AESO values stakeholder input on technology integration opportunities.  Contact us at

    • Transmission Customer Connections

      Looking to connect a project to the transmission system? Visit our Connecting to the grid page or contact us at:

      Phone: 403.539.2793
