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    Understanding Electricity in Alberta

    Connecting Alberta to the Grid 

    When you flip on a light or computer, you don’t need to think about where your power comes from—that’s our job. We work to improve the grid and ensure reliable electricity whenever you need it. Understanding how electricity works in Alberta helps you see how we’re working for you.

    Alberta Interconnected Electric System Map

    The Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES) Map

    shows a high-level view of the transmission system, including lines, substations, generators and planning areas, overlaid with provincial geographic landmarks.

    Market Statistics

    The AESO is committed to transparency and an information-rich environment. All current and historical market data can be found on the AESO’s Market & System Reporting page.

    For more information, contact AESOfirstcall at 1-888-588-AESO (2376) or email