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    View all Stakeholder sessions

    Stakeholder session

    Virtual Registration | Restructured Energy Market (REM) Design Sprint 6


    The AESO is hosting a series of engagement sessions with industry stakeholders to advance work on the Restructured Energy Market (REM) Design. Complete your registration to join each of the Design Sprint 6 sessions virtually using the links below.


    Sprint 4

    Session Focus

    Monday, November 25

    Market Power Mitigation Analysis and Reserves Market

    Tuesday, November 26

    REM Quantitative Analysis 

    Wednesday, November 27

    Cost Allocation and Participation

    Thursday, November 28

    Continue Discussing the Reserve Market and the Pricing Framework


    The virtual portion will end daily when the in-person breakouts begin, typically in the early afternoon. Those attending virtually can ONLY LISTEN to the in-room discussions.

    You can view the Sprint 6 Agenda here, however the listed topics may be adjusted based on stakeholder feedback. The AESO will focus on and prioritize Design Sprint time on discussions that most benefit the REM design and participants.

    • Date & time November 28, 2024, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, MST