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    Wind and Solar Power Forecasting

    Wind and Solar generation have experienced significant growth in Alberta in recent years.

    The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is taking steps to ensure we can maintain a reliable grid while integrating increasing penetrations of variable wind and solar power onto the system.

    The AESO has implemented a centralized power forecast for use in daily grid operations, allowing for better utilization of power from wind and solar generation while also helping to improve dispatch efficiency and system reliability.

    A centralized power forecast benefits system operations by enabling:

    • More efficient dispatch of the system – With a centralized power forecast, System Operators have access to detailed information about where, when, and approximately how much electricity will be produced by wind and solar plants in Alberta.
    • Greater situational awareness – The wind and solar forecast enhances the AESO’s ability to prepare for wind-ramp events that can occur when chinooks, or other high-wind events, are predicted.  

    Wind and Solar Power Forecasting

    • The forecasts are based on the currently installed wind and solar capacity listed on our Current Supply and Demand
    • The 12-hour power forecast updates every 10 minutes.
    • The 7-day-ahead power forecast updates every hour.

    Download the Forecast Data

    Wind-12 hour | Wind-7 day | Solar-12 hour | Solar-7 day | Wind & Solar Combined 12 hour | 7 day

    **To download the data above, right-click on the link and "save link as". Select "keep" when the browser prompts you.

    Monthly wind & solar power forecast vs. actual comparison report

    This report compares the 7-day ahead power forecast result to actual wind & solar production to determine forecast accuracy.