Cascade Power Plant Project Connection (2032)
Cascade Power Project Limited Partnership (Cascade Power) has applied to the AESO for transmission system access to connect its approved Cascade Power Plant Project (Facility) in the Edson area. Cascade Power’s request can be met by the following solution:
- Add three 240 kilovolt (kV) transmission lines to connect the Facility to the existing Bickerdike 39S substation.
- Modify the existing Bickerdike 39S substation, including adding four 240 kV circuit breakers.
- Add or modify associated equipment as required for the above transmission developments.
Need Overview
Need for the Cascade Power Plant Project Connection in the Edson area [Posted: Dec. 5, 2019]
Market Participant Notification
Market Participant Notification for the Cascade Power Plant Project Connection in the Edson area [Posted: May 11, 2020]
Notice of Filing
Notice of Filing for the Cascade Power Plant Project Connection [Posted: May 25, 2020]
Needs Identification Document
Cascade Power Plant Project Connection Needs Identification Document [Posted: June 26, 2020]
Appendix A - Connection Assessment [Posted: June 26, 2020]
Appendix B - TFO Capital Cost Estimate [Posted: June 26, 2020]
Appendix C - AESO PIP [Posted: June 26, 2020]
Appendix D - TFO Information Regarding AUC Rule 007, Section 6.2.2, NID23(3) and NID25(2) [Posted: June 26, 2020]