Transmission Enhancements in the Town of Fox Creek area (2630)
NGTL Limited Partnership (NGTL) has applied to the AESO for transmission system access to connect its Berland River compressor station in the Town of Fox Creek area. NGTL’s request can be met by the following solution:
- Add a substation, designated as Pine Creek 328S, including three 138 kilovolt (kV) circuit breakers, to be connected to the existing 138 kV transmission line 685L using an in-and-out configuration.
- Add a substation, designated as Berland River 1182S, including one 138/25 kV transformer, two 138 kV 13.5 MVar filter banks, and three 138 kV circuit breakers.
- Add one 138 kV transmission line to connect the proposed Berland River 1182S substation to the proposed Pine Creek 328S substation using a radial configuration.
- Add or modify associated equipment as required for the above transmission developments.
Notice of Filing
The AESO intends to file the Transmission Enhancements in the Town of Fox Creek area Needs Identification Document (NID) application with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) on or after Oct. 3, 2024.
Need overview
Need for Transmission Enhancements in the Town of Fox Creek area [Posted: March 27, 2024]
Latest updates
- Notice of Filing: Transmission Enhancements in the Town of Fox Creek area
- Need Overview: Transmission Enhancements in the Town of Fox Creek area