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    Market and System Reporting

    Find real-time and historical data on the wholesale electricity price, supply and demand, transmission and generation outages, ancillary services and operating reserves and other resources for market participants.

    All pages include a help section to explain what is shown.

    Featured Reports

    Current and historical market reports
    Select and customize market reports related to trading and settlement. For a downloadable table with all reports available categorized into forecast, real-time, after settlement, and historical data, click here.

    Current supply and demand
    A real-time overview of the Alberta electricity system and all generation, demand, imports and exports.

    Price, Supply and Demand Information

    Click the links below for up-to-date information on wholesale electricity price, expected availability of supply, and demand forecasting.


    Select from a range of reports on transmission and generation outages.

    Supply Adequacy

    Click these links for a short and long-term look at Alberta’s electricity supply and demand.

    Ancillary Services and Operating Reserves

    The AESO procures operating reserves one business day in advance. View these pages to see what the weekly operating reserve price was, and the week-ahead forecast of operating reserve.

    Fast Frequency Response (FFR)

      Dispatch Down Service

      View this report to see how much dispatch down service was available in the province:

      View this report to see the current and historical monthly transmission must-run reference price:

      Wind & Solar Power Forecast

      View wind & solar power forecasts here:

      View forecast accuracy information here:

      Additional Resources and Background

      Additional market information including participant and asset lists and analysis is available in the data request section.