ISO rules
The ISO rules facilitate the safe, reliable and economic operation of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System to ensure that a reliable supply of electricity is available at a reasonable cost. They promote a fair, efficient and openly competitive wholesale market for electricity in Alberta.
The Electric Utilities Act requires market participants to comply with the ISO rules. We comply with the ISO rules, and are also responsible for monitoring market participant compliance with ISO rules.
Stakeholder engagement
When necessary, we create new ISO rules, or amend or remove existing ISO rules. When developing ISO rule changes, we undertake a stakeholder engagement process following the requirements set out in Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 017, Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission. All new and amended ISO rules are filed with the AUC.
See the current stakeholder engagement opportunities.
The AESO has the following ongoing initiatives that stakeholders may want to consider:
Alberta reliability standards program work planEnergy storage roadmap integration activities scheduleMarket-related initiatives scheduleAESO Engage Platform
On September 22, 2022, the AESO launched AESO Engage, our new external engagement platform, for non-regulatory stakeholder engagements. Regulatory engagements, including ISO rules, reliability standards and tariff consultations, will remain on until 2023 when we will begin a phase II implementation of regulatory engagements onto the AESO Engage platform.
For further information, please contact
Current ISO rules
Individual ISO rules
‐ Ongoing stakeholder engagement
- Section 103.1 - ConfidentialityDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.2 - Dispute ResolutionDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.3 - Financial Security RequirementsDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.4 - Power Pool Financial SettlementDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.5 - Net Settlement InstructionDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.6 - ISO Fees and ChargesDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.7 - Financial Default and RemediesDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.12 - Compliance MonitoringDownload currentDetails
- Section 103.14 - Waivers and Variances RuleDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.1 - Pool Participant RegistrationDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.2 - Appointment of AgentDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.3 - Offer Control InformationDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.4 - Submission MethodsDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.5 - Block AllocationDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.6 - PricingDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.7 - DispatchesDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.8 - Requirements for the Balancing Pool Download currentDetails
- Section 201.9 - Requirements for a Generating Unit Subject to a Power Purchase ArrangementDownload currentDetails
- Section 201.10 - Automated Dispatch and Messaging SystemDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.2 - Short-Term Adequacy and Supply ShortfallDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.3 - Issuing Dispatches for Equal PricesDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.4 - Managing Long Lead Time AssetsDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.5 - Supply SurplusDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.6 - Adequacy of SupplyDownload currentDetails
- Section 202.7 - Markets Suspension or Limited Markets OperationsDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.1 - Offers and Bids for EnergyDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.2 - Issuing Dispatches for EnergyDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.3 - Energy RestatementsDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.4 - Delivery Requirements for EnergyDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.5 - Consumption Requirements for BidsDownload currentDetails
- Section 203.6 - Available Transfer Capability and Transfer Path ManagementDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.1 - Offers for Operating ReserveDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.2 - Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserve Download currentDetails
- Section 205.3 - Restatements for Operating ReserveDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.4 - Regulating Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance StandardsDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.5 - Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance StandardsDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.6 - Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance StandardsDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.8 - Transmission Must RunDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.9 - Fast Frequency ResponseDownload currentDetails
- Section 205.10 - Dispatches for Concurrent ServicesDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.2 - Electric Motor Start RequirementsDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.3 - Wind and Solar Power Ramp Up ManagementDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.4 - Maintaining Network VoltageDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.5 - Provision for Operation of a Transmission Facility within RatingsDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.6 - Unplanned Transmission Facility Limit ChangesDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.7 - Event ReportingDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.8 - Event AnalysisDownload currentDetails
- Section 304.9 - Wind and Solar Aggregated Facility ForecastingDownload currentDetails
- Section 306.3 - Load Planned Outage ReportingDownload currentDetails
- Section 306.4 - Transmission Planned Outage Reporting and CoordinationDownload currentDetails
- Section 306.5 - Source Asset Outage Reporting and Coordination Download currentDetails
- Section 306.6 - Automatic Voltage Regulator and Power System Stabilizer Outage Reporting (Removed 2017-01-09)Details
- Section 306.7 - Mothball Outage ReportingDownload currentDetails
- Section 502.1 - Aggregated Generating Facilities Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.2 - Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.3 - Interconnected Electric System Protection Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.4 - Automated Dispatch and Messaging System and Voice Communication System Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.5 - Generating Unit Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.6 - Generating Unit Operating Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.7 - Load Facility Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.8 - SCADA Technical and Operating Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.9 - Synchrophasor Measurement Unit Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.10 - Revenue Metering System Technical and Operating Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.13 - Battery Energy Storage Facility Technical Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.14 - Battery Energy Storage Facility Operating Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.15 - Reporting Facility Modelling Data (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 502.16 - Aggregated Generating Facilities Operating Requirements (Removed 2024-04-01)Details
- Section 503.1 - Functional Specification & Legacy TreatmentDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.2 - Maximum Authorized Real Power and Maximum Authorized Charging PowerDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.3 - Reactive PowerDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.4 - Voltage RegulationDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.5 - Voltage Ride-ThroughDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.6 - Frequency and Speed GoverningDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.7 - Power System StabilizerDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.8 - Transmission Step-Up TransformerDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.9 - Auxiliary Systems Download currentDetails
- Section 503.10 - Isolating and Interrupting DevicesDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.11 - Power QualityDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.12 - Grounding and Surge ProtectionDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.13 - Synchrophasor Measurement SystemDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.14 - Sequence of Events MonitoringDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.15 - Interconnected Electric System ProtectionDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.16 - SCADADownload currentDetails
- Section 503.17 - Revenue Metering SystemDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.18 - Operation and Maintenance of FacilitiesDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.19 - Reactive Power Verification TestingDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.20 - Baseline and Model Validation TestingDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.21 - Reporting Facility Modelling DataDownload currentDetails
- Section 503.22 - Bulk Transmission Line Technical RequirementsDownload currentDetails
- Section 505.2 - Performance Assessment for Refund of Generating Unit Owner's ContributionDownload currentDetails
- Section 505.3 - Coordinating Synchronization, Commissioning, Model and Reactive Power Validation Testing and Ancillary Services TestingDownload currentDetails
- Section 505.4 - Coordinating Operational TestingDownload currentDetails
Operating Policies and Procedures
The AESO is transitioning Operating Policies and Procedures (OPPs) into ISO rules.
OPP | Title | Effective | Retired |
600 | Outage Planning, Commissioning and Testing | ||
601 | Transmission Outage Coordination | 2020-12-09 | |
800 | Emergency System Operations | ||
804 | Off-Nominal Frequency Load Shedding and Restoration | 2008-11-13 | 2022-01-01 |
806 | Reliability Directives | 2012-07-10 | 2021-05-06 |